genre :


duration :

11 min

year :


effective :

Concert for clarinet and small orchestra [13 musicians] : flute (also piccolo), oboe (also E.H.), clarinet (also bass clarinet), bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, kettledrums, 2 violins, viola, cello and bouble bass.

creation(s) :

February 4th,1992 | Salzburger Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria

editor :


Intention :

1. ARIA (arja). n.m. (Haria caria “tumult”, 1493; a. fr. “torment”, “harass”).
Aged. Embarrassment, boredom, worry, worries. So many arias! V. Tintouin (Fam).


2. ARIA (arja). n.r. (1752; it. aria “air”). Mus. class. Air, melody accompanied by an instrument or a small number of instruments. A Mozart aria.

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