C'est un jardin secret, ma soeur, ma fiancée, une fontaine close, une source scellée...


genre :


duration :

4 min

year :


effective :

Alto Solo

creation(s) :

June 6th, 1978 | Fondation Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal

editor :

Éditions Musicales Transatlantiques

Intention :

C’est un Jardin Secret… is a short piece written for the wedding of two friends. It contains, in miniature and abbreviated form, some of the processes I have used in larger works (unstable time, progressive transformations, ambiguities between harmony and timbre), as well as some particular bowing techniques.

The piece is built around the rhythmic motif of the heartbeat, constantly accelerated or slowed down, intertwined melodic sequences, a play of equivalences between harmonic sounds and sounds “on the bridge” (which contain very powerful harmonics).

The title is a quote from the Cantique des Cantiques.


Tristan Murail

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