genre :

Vocal and instrumental

duration :


year :


effective :

Bass baritone and instrumental ensemble [5 musicians]
Bass baritone, guitar, piano/electronic keyboard, 2 percussionists and double bass

creation(s) :

July 31th, 2016 | Festival de Chaillol | Église du Hameau de Saint-Michel, France

libretto :

Based on 4 poems by Federico García Lorca

Intention :

Note of intent by Frédéric Pattar


“My first contacts with Lorca’s poetry took place several years ago. Since then, I have always wanted to set to music the powerful imagery that this poet invokes.


In the musical and theatrical work that I propose, a short and revealing poem by Lorca – Omega, poem for the dead – occupies a central place by recurring twice (the set of poems that I use is reproduced in the appendix). In order to highlight aspects that seem essential to me, I have also chosen to juxtapose three other poems, all three taken from the cycle “In the wood of the moon cedars”. In this cycle, the poet stages his own disappearance by imagining a journey towards what “does not live, but could have been”. With Omega – a premonitory piece for Lorca – in an anxious and gentle contemplation, we have the impression of the imminence of an epiphanic event. The expectation of a revelation, like an invisible flow that holds us while “the statues fall down”.

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