Maroussia Gentet


A fervent interpreter of the music of the XX/XXI century, Maroussia Gentet is a pianist whose sensibility has always been invested in the music of today, while cultivating a varied repertoire. After winning the Blanche Selva First Prize and the SACEM, Roussel, Jolivet, Ricardo Vines and Student Prizes at the 13th Orléans International Piano Competition in 2018, she is a member of the jury for the 2024 edition of this competition. She has been the dedicatee of numerous works by composers such as Madeleine Isaksson, Alex Nante, Philippe Schoeller, Hèctor Parra and Giulia Lorusso, with whom she won the Yvar Mikhashoff Trust for New Music prize, enabling the premiere of Kémo-Vad in 2021.

Her career has developed through numerous festivals and seasons in France (Festival International de la Roque d’Anthéron, Folles Journées de Nantes, Festival Radio France à Montpellier, Lille Piano Festival, Festival de l’Orangerie de Sceaux, etc.), Germany (Festival Steinway de Paris, etc.) and the United Kingdom (Festival de l’Orangerie de Sceaux, etc.). ), in Germany (Steinway Festival – Hamburg and Düsseldorf Philharmonic Orchestras, etc.), Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Russia, as soloist or in concerto, notably with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France and the Orchestre de chambre de Paris, and collaborating with conductors such as Kent Nagano, Mikko Franck, Pierre Bleuse and Roberto Forés.

After studying piano at the CNSMD in Lyon, her home town, she went on to study with Rena Shereshevskaya at the Ecole Normale de Paris – Alfred Cortot, where she obtained her Concert Diploma in 2015 and went on to perfect her skills in the Diplôme d’Artiste Interprète classique and the Diplôme d’Artiste Interprète specialising in “Contemporary repertoire and creation” (3rd cycle) at the CNSMD in Paris, notably with Claire Désert and Florent Boffard. A lover of literature and the chamber repertoire, both classical and contemporary, she went on to complete a Master’s degree in Vocal Accompaniment with Anne Le Bozec at the Paris Conservatoire. Her passion for research led her to graduate in 2023 with a doctorate in Music ‘research and practice’ from the CNSMDP in partnership with Sorbonne University. Her thesis, entitled “Au cœur du sens de l’expérience pianistique. Building temporality through presence in movement” weaves together theatrical anthropology, phenomenology, musicology, dance research and psychomotricity to nourish piano performance.

Passionate about sharing her art, she has been invited to perform with the Écoute, Cairn, Cbarré and 2e2m ensembles, and has flourished in chamber music, in particular through her duo with soprano Marie Soubestre, as well as with the Collectif G, which she helped found in 2021 and which is currently in residence at the Fondation Singer-Polignac, where her research into the presence of movement meets.

Teaching and transmission also play an important role in her work, leading her to hold the Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement and teach piano at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Cergy-Pontoise, as well as regularly being invited to lead masterclasses in France and abroad.

After a first CD devoted to the piano music of Henri Dutilleux and Karol Szymanowski, released in October 2016 by Passavant Music with the support of the Assophie association, her latest CD, Invocations, recorded on Stephen Paulello’s Opus 102 and devoted to the invocation of the forces of nature around Maurice Ravel’s Miroirs, will be released in 2019 on the BRecords label and has been awarded five Diapasons and a Coup de cœur from the Académie Charles Cros. His forthcoming CD is devoted to Chopin’s Preludes for piano interwoven with Ramon Lazkano’s Preludes for the Ensemble Cairn, a project to be premiered in Orléans in 2021.

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