Poème en cinq parties
Listening for you listening notes
for right to seek up futures as a buffer against permanence
can you make actuality not a matter of argument
I’m sirry I’m political
ready to drag down
changeable as the crew people
jumping in to small boats showing their interest
without necessary attributes to be
hot, so hot
sirrah listening to the heart boats bombing
are you new to the names amidst your hectares
get along
new to your improves on several hats beside the year’s
tasted aperture months ready to open
pour in
astonished to discover mouths underneath the boats
craggy as fashionable creamy broody belts in range
out of range
the edges of the heart mouths
totally unsteady drama groovy coming along worth trying
to sell our inherited personalities for
when people came here they planted themselves
in utterly familiar and hills
coming along at the edges of the heart
mouths planting the recognizable in water at the moment
falling through the atlas trope sway
comprehensive for another album of highlights
everybody getting a little somefin
a tiny mouthful louche
over the skin of the teeth
a point especially clear when terms of value broken
across the example becomes
clear a like simple economy of scale
transient as the top blend came on